Updated: 13/02/2025
Community Transport – HART
New Years message from our Chair
Well that’s another year gone, I know it hasn’t been great for some of you and my thoughts are with you. When you look out at the world so many places have war and troubles, I think we are extremely lucky to live in Patrington, Patrington Haven and Winestead and I thank my lucky stars that my life is now here. The Parish council want to thank you for your continued support attending events like the D-day celebrations and Christmas lights switch on.
More to follow in 2025 and we will always strive to make these events free or as cheap as possible.
So I’m wishing you all a happy, prosperous and peaceful 2025 Look after each other Helen Murphy
Christmas Message from our Chair
I want to thank all of the residents of our beautiful Parish who have gone the extra mile this year to help others and do the best for the Parish of Patrington.
I think we are so lucky to live in a caring community where we look after each other and love where we live.
If anyone needs help or advice please do not hesitate to contact me and I’ll do what I can with my amazing team.
All of us are dedicated to working towards the future of the Parish, and I’m so very proud of them all.
I and all of Patrington parish council want to wish you all a happy and healthy Christmas.
Northern PowerGrid
Here’s the link to Northern PowerGrid if anyone should need it:
Christmas lights switch on 2024
Photos by Terry Bearpark
Parish Christmas tree donated by ‘Dingo’.
This years main Christmas tree has kindly been donated in memory of the late ‘Dingo’. The tree was nurtured by Dingo and grew in his own garden for many years. We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Hall family for this kind gesture to the Parish.
Photo will be updated when the lights are added next week.
Christmas Lights Switch On – Sunday 1st December 2024 3.30-6.30pm
The ‘Little Book of Big Scams’ has been produced by Gloria Hunniford to raise awareness of some the ever-evolving ways criminals use to scam the public out of their hard earned money.
Click this link to read: Little Book of Big Scams 5th Edition 2024
Tesco Stronger Starts Grant programme
Every 3 months £3000 is given in grants to community projects in your area. We are hosting an online event to enable people to find out more about the grants programme, what they can apply for, how to apply and more. Parish councils, groups, schools etc are all able to apply.
Station Road bench
Following the accident a few weeks ago that destroyed the bench and planters on Station Road the bench has now been replaced by the Parish council. It was felt that it would be a fitting memorial bench for Ex Parish Councillor and local man Michael Dayne Hall or ‘Dingo’ as everyone affectionally knew him, as he took pride in keeping this area as well as other areas tidy, so a plaque has been placed on the bench in his honour.
Thank you also goes to Jerry Catt for the prepping and painting of all our village benches.
Lifestyle Project 2024
Well done to our two village Lifestyle groups – Patrington Champions & Community Clean Queens who have worked really hard over the school holidays for the good of our village.
The Patrington Champions have produced an education leaflet raising awareness of road safety around the school.
Whilst the Patrington Clean Queens have produced posters around litter collection and recycling
Temporary prohibition of Through Traffic – Nicholsons Lane, Winestead 20th September 2024
Temporary road closure – Arables Lane, Winestead 17/6/2024 – 19/7/2024
D-Day 80th Anniversary – Thursday 6th June, events taking place in Patrington for everyone to attend. Everyone Welcome
Chairs address 2024 – Councillor Helen Murphy
When Councillor Claire Holmes resigned as chair the meeting was Chaired by Vice Chair John Edmunds.
I took the meeting after fellow Councillors had voted me in.
Claire had served Patrington both in Parish and is a local County Councillor and we all wish her and her family the very best for the future.
After that meeting Cllr Charles Tuplin was taken ill and into hospital. Charles is still poorly and we wish him and his family our love and support.
At our December meeting we welcomed our new Cllr Mrs Claire Hull – a welcome addition to the team.
We held our Christmas Lights switch on event on Sunday 26th of November which was as always a great success. This coincided with new Christmas lights which were definitely needed as the old lights were about 25 years old. We had great feedback about the lights and hopefully they will last as long as the old set.
Thanks go to all involved for the help with this event and the Parish Council are very grateful to businesses and organisations in the area who always go above and beyond. It was – as always – a brilliant team effort with Diane at the helm.
Just after Christmas Cllr John Edmunds had a hip replacement and I am very pleased to say that he is doing very well.
January bought us the news that South Holderness was a proposed site for a Geological disposal facility for Nuclear Waste. This came as a shock to Councillors and residents and I’m sad to say that this caused divisions in our usually peaceful and friendly village. However, this proposal has now been withdrawn so hopefully we can get back to respecting each other’s views and being a tolerant and inclusive community.
Thankfully, things have been much quieter since the GDF issue. We have had very small pockets of anti-social behaviour but this has been addressed and should be resolved shortly.
Going forward we are working very closely with Patrington Primary school regarding road safety issues especially around the school itself. The children have designed posters and the pupils parliament have met with Diane and myself and are very engaged, as is Mrs Pepper the head teacher.
Year 6 is attending the war memorial on June 6th to commemorate the D-day landings. Also on that day, we are hoping to have a tea and cake event at the village hall with more mature members of the village and ending with as many villagers as possible for lighting the beacon.
I am extremely proud to be Chair of the parish council, the Captain of a brilliant team of truly dedicated and hardworking volunteers who give so much time to our lovely village.
I want to thank everyone who supports me particularly has I have only lived here for 5 years. Hopefully you have all seen the passion I have for Patrington and its people and I will continue (as long as you want me) to serve this wonderful community to the very best of my ability
Another new Defibrillator
PATRINGTON Parish Council and Patrington Village Hall are pleased to announce the addition of another defibrillator in the village for use of residents in an emergency.
This has been made possible by generous donations by the Withernsea and District Lions Club, The Tower Littlewood Lodge of the RAOB in Withernsea, Patrington AFC and Stuart and Avis McCloud who have held quiz events in the hall.
Thanks also go to Dave Turnbull for installing the cabinet on the outside wall of the village hall.
This addition provides a valuable emergency resource to the Church Lane, Greenshaw Lane and Southside areas of the village and extends the coverage of other defibrillators already installed in the village.
To use them in an emergency dial 999 and ask for the ambulance, giving the location of the device. You will then be given a code to unlock the cabinet enabling you to remove it for use.
Mikron Theatre are coming to Patrington village hall for one night only – 17th May 2024
Jennie Lee, the extraordinary life of the radical MP you’ve never heard of…
Multi-award-winning Mikron was founded in 1972. 2024 marks Mikron’s 52nd year of bringing professional theatre to your doorstep. They are a well known national touring company that we are working with through our Arts Council Funding. Their performances are always extremely professional but because of our funding we can offer the tickets at a subsidised price. We are hoping to do much more with them over the coming years which will hopefully culminate in a production all of our own based on the East Riding and it’s mobile library service!
Jennie Lee – Patrington Village Hall
NWS responds to ERYC withdrawal from South Holderness working group
East Riding of Yorkshire Council confirms its withdrawal from the South Holderness Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) Working Group following a decision taken at a full council meeting on 21 February 2024.
Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) fully respects the council’s decision to withdraw from the GDF siting process. Together with the Working Group Chair, NWS will now take the necessary steps to wind down the South Holderness Working Group and respond to outstanding requests for more information.
Since the launch NWS has met with over 1200 people and would like to thank those that have given up their time to learn more about the GDF Programme.
NWS will continue to engage with the other three Community Partnerships currently involved in the GDF siting process and will consider other communities who are interested in learning more about this vital project and the benefits and opportunities it could bring.
A GDF is internationally recognised by governments and scientists as the only viable permanent solution for the safe disposal of higher-activity radioactive waste in the long-term. It involves isolating the waste deep underground in suitable geological formations, placing it in highly engineered vaults and tunnels, to keep it safe and secure over the many thousands of years it will take for the radioactivity to naturally reduce.
The Government’s GDF Siting Process in England and Wales is consent-based and requires NWS to identify both a suitable site and a willing host community. As part of NWS’ role to find a host community for a GDF, the South Holderness GDF Working Group was established to begin a conversation with the people of South Holderness about the possibility of hosting a GDF.
Three Community Partnerships are currently engaged in the GDF Siting Process, two in Cumbria, Mid-Copeland and South-Copeland, and one in Lincolnshire, Theddlethorpe.
Patrington Parish Council Statement – re radioactive waste disposal
Patrington Parish Council wishes to advise the residents that it had no knowledge of the geological waste disposal in our area before the scheme was announced last week.
There has been a fair amount of speculation but until we know the full facts, we cannot comment. I, as chair of the parish council, will be present at the majority of the consultation on Thursday so if you have any unanswered questions please let me know and I will investigate them for you.
This WILL be a people’s vote and the parish council WILL do the best of our ability to stand with the people of Patrington Parish. We request that you do not speculate on any social media but you attend the consultation at the village hall on Thursday 11.30-6pm
As a Parish Council, we have not been consulted, and once we have received all the relevant information we will hold a public meeting for members of the public to attend.
Thank you for understanding.
Councillor Helen Murphy
Chair to Patrington Parish Council
South Holderness area considered for radioactive waste disposal
Part of East Yorkshire is being considered for the disposal of nuclear waste from across the UK, according to a government agency.
Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) has identified South Holderness as having potential to site a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).
A working group has been formed to examine the proposals.
Read more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-68082963
Christmas arrives in Patrington – Thank you to Yorkshire Tree Surgery & James for all his help over the years
Patrington Christmas lights switch on 2023
Patrington Christmas lights switch on 2023 is to be held on Sunday 26th November 2023
More details to follow
Councillor vacancies
Highway Improvement works, main street, Patrington Haven & Patrington Road, Sunk Island
Chairs address 2023 – Miss C Holmes
Thank you to everyone for coming and for putting yourselves forward again to be parish councillors.
Congratulations on your election. I would like to begin by thanking John Kitchener and Dave Robinson
who have stood down for the time being. Their contributions to this Parish Council will be missed
and I hope that if their circumstances change they may decide to re-join us in the future. We have 11
councillors in total and so there are spaces if anyone you know wishes to volunteer to join us.
Special thanks to Terry who has produced a number of digital newsletters on our behalf. I hope that
in this coming year we can attract more content from other groups. If anyone has any ideas how to
attract content please let us know.
As part of the recent celebrations for King Charles’ people were urged to take up volunteering roles. I
know all around this table wear different volunteering hats. Being part of this Parish Council is one
of the most rewarding things I do and the year 2022/23 will remain one of my most memorable
years. I hope you feel the same, that you have enjoyed the year as much as I have and that you feel
proud of the contribution you have made to our community. Not only have we cared for the physical
environment but we have held events that have contributed to the wellbeing of our community and
left people with memories to cherish.
In his book “In search of bygone Patrington” Jeffrey Robinson wrote that the first meeting of
Patrington Parish Council was held in 1894. The world has changed a lot since 1894. But this year
has for me, shown how we remain relevant. I am reminded that on our letterhead it says “Patrington
Parish Council looking forward to the future”. I think that is very fitting for us. We are forward
thinking and willing to embrace new ideas in the way we work but we still have a deep respect of our
history and tradition.
At our last AGM we were just about to celebrate the Queens Jubilee. On the 8th September 2022
after 70 years the extraordinary service of Her Majesty the Queen came to an end. We published a
message of condolence and set up a book in the church for all residents to record their memories
and messages. It provided a point of focus for people at the time but it will also survive as an
important local document that records how our community responded to that significant historical
event. The chains on the war memorial were opened so people could place flowers for the Queen
and many did.
The proclamation occurred on 10th September 2022 at 10 am at St James Palace in London. In 1894
it would have been repeated around the country to spread the news from town to town. Given that
King Charles III’s was the first to be televised and many of us watched that proclamation at St James
Palace live you would have been forgiven for thinking that this was a tradition that was no longer
required. It may not have been needed to spread the news of the new monarch but when we read
the Proclamation of the new sovereign at the war memorial it was well attended and for my part, I
feel the reading took on a new significance of coming together as a community to show solidarity
and reassurance at a time of change. I found hearing everyone shout God save the king for the first
time extremely moving. There were people there of all ages including young children and I think that
is a nice tradition that we have helped pass on to another generation.
A seat in memory of Her Majesty the Queen was installed in the play park on Welwick Road and we
are grateful to the Lifestylers who volunteered to paint the inside of the fence as part of their
community project. They are to be commended for organising themselves to make such a
contribution to their community and where they live. Who knows perhaps they will become parish
councillors in the future.
The Christmas light switch on was a great success. Santa arrived courtesy of Patrington fire brigade
and we were entertained by Patrington Primary Academy Choir, Withernsea ladies choir, East
Yorkshire Brass Band and the pavilion Pierrots. Some of our voluntary groups had stalls to boost
their funds and we continue to do all we can to support them.
We were chosen to be a pilot for East Riding Yorkshire Council’s Design Guide and I would like to
think that we were chosen because East Riding of Yorkshire Council recognised that we comment on
every planning application with care and the comments we make are balanced and sensible
reflecting an acknowledgement of the need for development but not at any cost. We of course do
not make decisions on any planning applications, decisions are made by East Riding of Yorkshire
Council but it is important that we who know our village best make those comments to help inform
the process and ensure that any development is in keeping with the area. New bins were placed
near the bus shelter. The high street was been decorated with hanging baskets and flags. It made
the market place look vibrant and attractive. I am biased, of course, but I think Patrington’s market
place is the nicest looking high street in this area and has a fantastic offer. These are difficult times
for our local businesses and I am glad that any events we put on are an opportunity to support local
businesses as well as celebrate. The cemetery and churchyard have been kept tidy. Thank you to
Sally who has ensured the toilets are nice to use and has also litter picked around the village assisted
by community groups. Thank you to the scout group who litter picked the village in readiness for the
coronation celebrations.
Our Coronation Big Lunch has just taken place and was enjoyed by all. People were generous with
both their time and their baking. Food was provided for the children along with mugs and medals.
The atmosphere was lovely and was a great start to Patrington’s Carolean age. We had hoped to
raise money for a defibrillator and will find out how close to our target we are in our next meeting
but I think we can not be far off and that is a significant achievement.
A huge thank you to everyone who came to the Coronation street party.
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and thank you to everyone who helped to make it a success 🇬🇧🎉
Local council election 4th May 2023
Patrington Parish Council has been notified that the upcoming local council election on 4 May 2023 was uncontested, which means the 11 people who put their nomination papers forward have been elected unopposed. As we are a council of 13 members, there are still 2 vacancies that can be filled by co-option.
These vacancies will be advertised in due course but if you are interested please email the clerk at patringtonpc@btinternet.com for more details.
December edition of the Patrington Post newsletter now available on the Newsletters page
Temporary road closure Main Street, Patrington Haven. Mon 5th December to Wednesday 7th December 2022 8am-3.30pm
Huge thanks to James from Yorkshire Tree surgery for putting the village tree up again
November edition of the Patrington Post newsletter now available on the Newsletters page
Holderness Health information and Christmas opening hours
Latest edition of the Patrington Post newsletter now available on the Newsletters page
Humber Low Carbon Pipelines project public consultation – 2nd November 2022 2pm-7pm, Patrington Village Hall
Christmas lights switch on 2022
Outstrays to Skeffling realignment scheme drop in 6th October
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
1926 – 2022
Patrington Parish Council express their sorrow following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Royal Family at this time, especially her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Her Majesty the Queen served our nation for seventy years. The thanks expressed for her service during her Platinum Jubilee earlier this year demonstrated the heartfelt affection people felt for her. She was respected, admired and loved. We will all cherish our memories from that very special moment for the rest of our lives.
This is a difficult time but I know we will all look after each other as we look back over Her Majesty The Queen’s remarkable life and mourn her death.
A book of condolence has been placed within St. Patricks Church and those of all faiths and none are invited to leave a message within it. If you do not wish to visit the church, messages can be sent to clerk@patringtonpc.co.uk and they will be printed out and added to the book. After the State funeral the book will be bound and archived.
Claire Holmes
Chair, Patrington Parish Council
Take part in the draft climate change strategy survey
East Riding of Yorkshire Council are seeking to gather public views via a survey after developing draft material for a Climate Change Strategy. The Strategy will set out the local authority’s vision and ambitions around climate change across the East Riding and highlights opportunities for future action.
The council hopes that the strategy inspires residents to consider their own impact on the climate. Every action counts and success in tackling climate change can only be achieved by working together.
The climate of the East Riding is changing, and as a result the area is likely to experience warmer temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, more frequent extreme weather events as well as rising sea levels. Climate change will impact everyone, however future generations will have to live with the consequences for significantly longer, therefore we all need to make important changes to the way we live and work to reduce the scale of climatic changes.
This survey has been created to gather public views on the draft material for the Climate Change Strategy, so we can create a document that truly reflects the views of residents on climate change across the authority area. Ahead of completing the survey, the council would encourage residents to spend time reading through the summary document provided here, which sets out the key draft information for the Climate Change Strategy.
At the end of the survey, participants will have the opportunity to take part in a climate friendly prize draw.
The council would like to thank residents in advance for their time and effort in completing this survey and for their support in the development of the Climate Change Strategy.
Take part in the draft Climate Change Strategy survey here.
All responses should be received no later than Sunday, 25 September 2022.
Councillor Chris Matthews, portfolio holder for environment and climate change at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “The council has declared a climate emergency and committed to developing a Climate Change Strategy. Draft material for our Climate Change Strategy has been prepared and a public consultation is now live.
“I would ask that residents take a few minutes to look at the draft material and let us know their views on climate change and the approach of the strategy.”
While people are urged to view the documents online, a limited number of physical copies of the survey and draft material can be found at the council’s libraries, customer service centres and multi-service centres.
We’re waiting for the go ahead from #Apple and #GooglePlay for the Puffin Spotter app to go live.
In the meantime you can download the map from www.puffinsgalore.co.uk.
Patrington Puffin – Winnie
Sponsor Alex Alec-Smith on left and artist Jemma Brown on right ----------------
Anne Robson helpline 0808 8010688
Patrington is getting a Puffin. Do you have some spare time to be a Puffin Pal.
www.puffinsgalore.co.uk for more info
New Patrington newsletter out now
‘Patrington Post’ will be produced quarterly with information relating to the parish. If you would like anything added into the next newsletter please let us know.
To view/download the June 2022 copy please visit our newsletter page
Please note:
The Jubilee street party will now be held in the village hall due to the weather forecast.
Everyone welcome 1-4pm
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022
Local artists exhibition
Patrington Jubilee Fun Run – Saturday 4th June 2022 10am
Chairs address: Chairs address 2022
Notice for the Annual Parish Meeting
Agenda Annual Parish Council 2022
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022
Residents urged to complete survey on fast food litter in the East Riding
Residents in the East Riding are being encouraged to complete an online survey about fast food litter.
The waste and recycling team at East Riding of Yorkshire Council is asking people to take part in the consultation to air their views on how the littering of packaging from fast food outlets affects the area.
The team is looking to gather the opinions of residents, local businesses, visitors, and parish and town councils on the impact of this particular problem.
Councillor Chris Matthews, the council’s portfolio holder for environment and climate change, said: “We would really appreciate residents helping us by filling out the survey. Litter is a major issue for every local authority.
“At East Riding of Yorkshire Council, we spend around £3.9million per year cleaning up litter, and many residents feel strongly about this problem, with several volunteer litter picking groups active in areas including Bridlington, Beverley and Hessle.
“A major contributor to the amount of litter on our streets, our roadsides and in parks and play areas, is packaging waste dropped by customers using fast food outlets.
“This is often waste which could otherwise be easily recycled if it was disposed of properly.
“It’s often difficult to identify the people who dropped it, and can be very unsightly in communities where the outlets are based.
“So we need people to help us try to get on top of the issue”
The survey takes less than five minutes to complete and asks for views about the area you live, what your opinions are of litter and some suggested solutions to the problem.
To complete the survey, visit the website www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/LitterSurvey/
Please send responses by 15 April 22
Right of Way Improvement Plan consultation survey now live

The council is asking residents to contribute to the ‘Rights of Way Improvement Plan’ (ROWIP) consultation survey as the authority sets out the overall direction of travel and aims for the development of the public rights of way network in East Yorkshire.
The council reassesses the ROWIP every ten years and makes amendments to it if necessary. It does not include details for individual improvements or addresses specific locations, but it helps to guide council officers and the voluntary and community sector partners in the development of a network that is more relevant to more people.
The survey includes multiple statements on which residents can enter a response which ranges between strongly agree and strongly disagree.
The council is currently updating the ROWIP to reflect important changes in the benefits that our countryside paths provide. For example, the health and well-being, active travel, leisure and recreation, and the social and economic value that the network provides.
Here is the draft consultation version of the ROWIP:
Draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan 2022-2032 (pdf 3.2mb)
Residents can have their say via the consultation pages on the council’s website: Have your say on the ROWIP or by emailing definitive.map@eastriding.gov.uk by 31 March 2022.
Based on information and comments received during the consultation process, the Statement of Action will provide a framework for managing the network, rather than providing solutions to individual cases, and will identify priorities for improving public rights of way, in line with the needs of all types of users.
Claire Hoskins, interim head of asset strategy at East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “Being able to enjoy time in a natural environment is really important for our mental health and wellbeing. It reduces, stress, fatigue, anxiety and depression.
“Enjoyed alone, being more active can help boost immune systems and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as asthma. Enjoyed with others, it can combat loneliness and bind communities together.
“This survey is an opportunity for our residents to get involved in the strategic planning when it comes to managing our networks.
“Though it doesn’t include details for specific locations, it will give a good guide to the opinion of residents on a range of topics so adjustments can be made to the Rights of Way Improvement Plan to benefit all different types of users of our networks.”
Contact Information
Sam Holtby
Public Relations Officer
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
Holderness Area Rural Transport
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022
Holderness Health patient information
Christmas trees and lights
Thank you to PJD, Meadley Plant Hire and Yorkshire tree Surgery for all their help this year with the Christmas lights. Wishing everyone all the best for 2022
Grass cutting invitation to tender
Christmas light switch on 2021
Thank you from the parish council to all those who helped and attended the light switch on
Light switch on
Patrington remembers
Patrington Beavers, Cubs and Keyingham Scouts at the War Memorial
Claire Holmes laying a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council
Pictures by Terry Bearpark
Old hoarding gets a new lease of life at playing field
LOCAL football teams in Patrington are assured of extra supporters, thanks to two talented artists and a disused hoarding.
The artists, Adam Young and his partner Jo Stafford, who both have degrees in art, were commissioned by Patrington Parish Council to do something with the hoarding, which measures approximately 10 feet by 12 feet, to brighten up the football field for players, visitors and residents.
The artistic duo decided that family spectators of all ages would be a good idea and so have produced a bright and attractive mural on one side, with football shooting targets on the other to make best used of the hoarding, which has proved to be a bit of an eyesore in the past.
The ideas came about after Parish clerk, Diane Chapman, spotted youngsters drawing hopscotch and other games on a concrete area in the adjacent playpark and it was suggested that the Parish Council may like to make it more permanent. It was then agreed that the hoarding could also do with a face lift and the artists were commissioned.
The work was funded by the council from the proceeds from a textiles collection box on the playing field and has proved popular with everyone who has seen it.
They have also painted children’s games in the adjacent playpark which are already proving a hit with local children.
Adam and Jo were very keen to produce the mural as the Covid lockdown has meant that similar schemes have been few and far between, however this may well be one of the last ones they do as the couple now plan to fulfil a long-standing ambition and take over a public house in Colne, near Burnley in Lancashire.
Adam has a connection with Patrington as his father, Kevin Young, is a well-known painter and decorator and lives in the village.

Road closure – Ottringham – 2nd September
Happy Yorkshire day folks
Olympic flags up
Draft Local Plan Update Consultation (eastriding.gov.uk)
Draft Local Plan Update consultation drop-in event taking place tomorrow (Thursday) at Withernsea Leisure Centre, 12-7pm. Come along to find out more and speak to a council officer about the proposals. Details of all events available online: http://orlo.uk/mCRrA
Draft Local Plan Update Consultation (eastriding.gov.uk)
At the meeting on 5th July 2021 Councillors listened to the views expressed by those residents present regarding the local plan update. Councillors heard the concerns expressed [amongst others] and were able to agree that growth of the village should be:
in appropriate places
of appropriate design and to a good standard to ensure a good quality of life
and that the services which all residents need including health, schools, roads, energy should all be available to a good standard to the population of the area.
All Councillors present undertook that they would carefully consider the local plan update in light of those views and concerns which they had heard and together with their own experience of life and each of them would submit an individual response to the local plan update consultation.
This approach was decided upon because a consolidated approach in one document could never faithfully represent the views of everyone in the parish. However, submitting individual responses brings the potential for the consultation to benefit from 12 different voices with varied experience of life and circumstances [each 12 being people who had heard the views expressed at the meeting]. This approach was adopted as we believed that it was the fairest way of representing the diversity of views and needs of residents in the village.
We urge those who spoke at the meeting [together with any other residents with views on the local plan update] to submit their views so that they can be considered as part of the consultation by 6th August 2021. This can be done by:
(i) Emailing their views by 6th August 2021 to: forward.planning@eastriding.gov.uk,
(ii) or writing to Forward Planning (Room AS67), East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA
(iii) or using the response form online at Draft Local Plan Update Consultation (eastriding.gov.uk).
If any resident is unable to access the plan or submit a response please do contact me and I will be happy to help ensure your views are communicated.
Claire Holmes
Hanging baskets are up
Draft Local Plan Update
Public drop-in events have been confirmed across the East Riding for the Draft Local Plan Update consultation throughout July. Come along and speak to council officer about the proposals. Dates and locations available online: Click here
The flags are out, come on England
Great British Spring clean – 28th May 2021-13th June 2021
28th May to 13th June 2021 is the Great British Spring Clean. From this website you can find information on how to safely organise group litter picks and pledge to help the Million Mile Mission.
Our outdoor spaces are now more important than ever. Patrington Parish Council are organising some group litter picks throughout this period. These events will need to be carefully organised to ensure that we comply with rules so if you wish to participate as part of those groups please contact me on chair@patringtonpc.co.uk or claireholmesseh@outlook.com or on 07912346503 so that I can keep a list of who is helping, when and where in Patrington.
I am looking at the morning of Wednesday 2nd June [10-12] and Sunday 6th June 2021 [4-6]. Please do get in touch if you would like to participate.
If you wish to participate but in a different area [or on a different day and time] please do still get in touch and let me know.
Chairs address 2021 – Miss C Holmes
Our last AGM was on 13th May 2019. The AGM which would have been held in May 2020 could not go ahead as the country was in the midst of the first National Lockdown due to Covid-19. I have focused in this address on activities of the last 18 months or so but I do not forget that I did not take the Chair until August 2020 and so in early 2020 when the pandemic first began to really affect the way we lived our lives Phil Wilson was the Chair. He made a valuable contribution to this parish council and the way we adapted to that crisis for which we thank him.
There was no guideline to follow of how a parish council should continue to operate during a pandemic and yet we did continue to operate efficiently and effectively. I would like to thank Our Clerk and all Councillors for the way that they met the challenge which befell us. We met it together with the only two tools we had at our disposal:
(1) Our desire to care for our community and
(2) Our willingness to adapt to get the job done.
When we were unable to hold face to face meetings we adapted to communication over email and WhatsApp to ensure that planning applications were still considered and commented upon. Despite our restricted ability at times to meet in person we have still benefited from the addition of 3 new councillors since that first national lockdown Councillors Golby, Heeley and Heap. They are valued Councillors as are those who have participated in this parish council for many years.
We sought out information which would be beneficial to parishioners and distributed it. Our Parish Council has continued to be represented throughout on both the [South Holderness Association for Parish Enterprise] and the Holderness Health Forum via zoom meetings through myself and councillor Bearpark. Any information which may have been beneficial to parishioners from those forums or from ERYC was distributed through the website and thereafter others distributed it more widely online. Through SHAPE and also through our clerk we maintained close contact with Humberside police so that the Police were aware of local issues of concern and able to act upon them.
Just as the activities individuals could undertake were curtailed there were restrictions to what the parish council could undertake. Throughout we have maintained a positive attitude focusing on what we could still do as opposed to what we could not. We could not for example hold a full Christmas light switch on but everything which could safely be done was done. The Christmas lights and tree were in place for all to enjoy with a Christmas message put on the website and in local press. Social media was used to celebrate key dates such as the Pumpkin trail, Christmas house decorating and Easter competition. It is hoped that those who participated in these online events found them enjoyable but their importance went beyond mere enjoyment. They reminded people that even though we had to socially distance, we were all part of a community. These online events provided a forum to celebrate but they were also a way of including those who were vulnerable and had to isolate because it was a media that could be viewed from within their home and reminded them that they
were part of that larger community and very much cared for. A lot of work was done by councillors and our Clerk individually ensuring that all parishioners received all that they needed such as deliveries of food and prescriptions and regular checks. We have welcomed a new chemist to the village who has renovated the store and introduced contactless payment. Other businesses have also adapted such as the introduction of the automated payment system at the garage which means there is now access to fuel 24 7. Our High Street and local services are valuable to us and the community and we as a parish council will do all that we can to support them.
As a parish council, we focused our efforts on the physical and mental wellbeing of parishioners. The Village Hall and Recreation Club were unable to open due to covid restrictions but we were conscious that those facilities that parishioners could still safely enjoy were more important than ever. We did all that we could to ensure that people had clean, open spaces for wellbeing. . Thank you to everyone who was involved in the hanging of the Hanging baskets and taking them down at the end of the season ready for use the next year. A new watering barrow was purchased to maintain them. Councillors undertook individual litter picks because group work was advised against. The Churchyard, playing field, cemetery and areas around the village and Patrington Haven continued to be maintained and the grass cut. The Ted Hughes walk was promoted on the website. The Parish Council did everything possible to combat people who did not pick up after their dog renewing signage and stencils and also promoting that a hardline was being taken on dog fouling online, in the media and on the radio.
We ensured that the public toilets stayed open and were well maintained so that the key workers helping care for those in our community had the facilities they needed to keep going. We invested in improving those facilities to ensure they were safe increasing the cleaning, regularly fogging them and installing sinks which could be used without touching the taps.
During times we could have meetings, we had 2 meetings where parishioners attended to ask questions. At some point in the future, I would like to encourage a higher attendance at meetings by members of the public to improve communication and aid an understanding of the parish council’s function but that is not something that can be encouraged until it is safe to do so. Throughout we have kept lines of communication with parishioners open even when meetings were restricted with contact through telephone and email.
Due to good fiscal planning we were able to achieve these things and not to increase the precept when the time came, conscious as we were that any increased cost to the tax payer had to be avoided. Thank you to all the Councillors for their support throughout the year. Thank you to our Clerk Diane for continuing to do a very good job. We will continue to provide the best service that we can to our parish in the future.
Patrington Parish Council are deeply saddened to learn of the death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and we send our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy to Her Majesty The Queen and members of the Royal Family.
Due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions there will be no books of condolence available across the East Riding, but anyone wishing to leave a message of sympathy can do so via the Buckingham Palace website http://www.royal.uk
Union Flag lowered to half mast to honour Prince Philip who passed away this morning. RIP
Latest East Riding of Yorkshire council Covid-19 guidelines
Applications invited for post of Parish Caretaker
The Parish Caretaker will support the existing team to keep Patrington village neat and tidy and ensure that the facilities for which the Parish Council are responsible are well maintained.
The Village Caretaker would be responsible for keeping the village free from litter, maintaining the Parish Council’s assets, public spaces, footpaths and bridleways, and looking after the playgrounds and burial ground. The Caretaker needs to be flexible in their approach to work, which needs to be prioritised according to the needs of the changing seasons. The tasks carried out by the Caretaker would be varied and would rely on the Caretaker being able to establish an organised method of working.
Applications are encouraged from those with an existing work history and skill set who want to put those skills to work for the benefit of their community but also those who want to progress their work experience and gain valuable new skills. As such the rate of pay and scope of the role are dependant upon level of experience. It is envisaged that the role will be approximately 16 hours per week. Minimum age 16 years of age.
Interested parties should contact the Chair on Chair@patringtonpc.co.uk or 07912346503 by Sunday 11th April 2021.
Ongoing work by the parish council to combat dog fouling
With messages appearing on social media requesting more dog waste bins for the village, the parish council have provided and attached posters to all bins to let people know that dog waste can be placed in any of the ERYC bins
Humberside Police My Community Alert
Humberside Police My Community Alert is a free web service which you can subscribe to and receive bespoke information from Humberside Police and our partner agencies. It allows you to register to receive real time messages about incidents happening in your neighbourhood that may effect you or your family. Choose how you would like to receive messages – by text, voicemail or email – how often you would like to receive alerts and about the issues that matter to you, from collisions and road closures to missing people.
Find out more by visiting www.mycommunityalert.co.uk and watch a short video and to sign up and start receiving alerts now.
Also you can contact your local team by emailing them at Withernsea@humberside.pnn.police.uk to discuss community issues.
ERYC vacancy – South East Holderness Ward
Dog fouling
Litter Picking – Covid-19 Guidance | Keep Britain Tidy
Patrington Parish Council have previously worked with Patrington Scout Group and Patrington Cricket Club to conduct litter picks around the village which we hope to re start once we are allowed to do so.
Please follow this link to see the guidance on litter picking as a organised group.
Find your local food bank
Will you get the COVID-19 vaccine when it’s your turn?
With the Covid-19 vaccine rollout in progress for priority groups, East Riding of Yorkshire Council would like to know more about what people in our area think about the vaccine.
Please click here to complete the ERYC survey
Getting out and about during winter
Over 70s are asked to contact the NHS to have their COVID-19 vaccine
The NHS in Humber, Coast and Vale is asking people aged 70 and over who haven’t been invited to have their COVID-19 vaccination yet to come forward and arrange a jab.
Until now, the NHS asked people not to contact them about their COVID vaccination and wait until they are approached. This remains the case for most people, but local NHS services are encouraging people in priority cohorts 1-4 (over 70s and those on the shielded patient list) to contact the NHS to book their appointment to ensure everyone in this group is offered the vaccine by mid-February.
Eligible people can book their appointment at one of the large sites, either in York or Hull by contacting the national booking service at www.nhs.uk/covid-vaccination. Those who cannot do it online can call a free 119 number, anytime between 7am and 11pm seven days a week. The national system allows patients to pick a convenient location and time. For those over 70 who cannot travel to York or Hull, there are seven PCN vaccination sites across East Riding of Yorkshire located in Beverley, Bridlington, Brough, Driffield, Goole, Hedon and Willerby. To book an appointment at one of these sites people can ring their GP Practice. Only people in priority cohorts 1-4 who have not received a vaccine invitation should ring.
It’s important to note that if someone receives a letter from the NHS to book with the national system, and they already have an appointment booked with their local GP practice, then please ignore the letter and keep the existing appointment.
Dr Anne Jeffreys, local GP and East Riding of Yorkshire CCC Chairperson, said: “Healthcare colleagues in East Riding of Yorkshire have been doing a fantastic job to vaccinate people in the first four priority groups, but we want to ensure that all those who are eligible, have been offered the jab.
“We know that people over 70 and those on shielded patient list, are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus. It’s important that they come forward if they haven’t had their vaccine yet. I urge everyone to check with their parents, grandparents, relatives, neighbours and friends who are 70 years old and over if they have been vaccinated. If they haven’t had the vaccine yet, please help them book an appointment as soon as possible. We are determined that nobody should be left behind.
“The vaccine is safe, simple, and will offer you and those around you crucial protection against this virus.”
Dog Fouling in Patrington<—Click the link to read
East Riding of Yorkshire Council launches Winter Grant Scheme
A discretionary grant scheme to help households struggling in the run up to Christmas has been launched.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council has launched the scheme to support those most in need with the cost of food, energy (such as heating, cooking and lighting), water bills (including sewerage) and other essentials (such as sanitary products), warm clothing, soap, blankets, boiler service/repair, and purchase of equipment including fridges, freezers and ovens.
The Winter Grant Scheme is funded from one-off central Government funding announced on 10 November 2020 called the Winter Support Grant, which enables local authorities to provide financial support to those most in need this year.
To help ensure fairness of applications and access to the grant across the winter for those who need it, East Riding of Yorkshire Council will implement the Winter Grant Scheme as a discretionary scheme across multiple time periods until the one-off funding has been fully utilised.
Period one of the scheme will cover the period 1 November to 31 December 2020. Applications for period one will need to be received by Sunday, 20 December.
It is expected that the discretionary funding available will not be sufficient to provide support to all residents, therefore period one will target and prioritise support for the following:
- to support households with children, where the applicant meets the criteria to entitle a child to free school meals
- to support households who have claimed universal credit since 23 March and income is less than £16,000 annually
- to support individuals who have a social care package and have seen an increase in their household food and fuel since 23 March 2020
- to support individuals where their annual income is less than £13,600 annually.
Councillor Richard Burton, leader of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said: “This year has been extremely challenging for some of our residents and I am heartened that we have the Winter Grant Scheme available to support those in need.
“Knowing that this grant will make the difference of keeping children warm and well fed over Christmas, or offering those residents struggling to cope financially the peace of mind that they can manage a difficult winter, is an indicator that East Riding of Yorkshire Council continues to do all it can to support those in need at the end of an unprecedented year.”
For more information, criteria for the grants and how to apply, go to https://covid19.eastriding.gov.uk/support/
Where residents may not be eligible for this grant, the council has a benefit eligibility checker, this can be used to see if you are entitled to other forms of financial support http://www.budget.entitledto.co.uk/eastriding/budgets/
The council also has an emergency assistance scheme available to residents who have had an interruption to their income and where they require support to remain in the community.
For more information, criteria of the grants and how to apply, go to https://www.eastriding.gov.uk/living/emergency-assistance/
Contact Information
Rachel Palmer
Strategic Marketing Officer
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
(01482) 391470
A Patrington Christmas by Chair Claire Holmes
The Parish Council have received the following update regarding the roadworks on the A1033 at Winestead:
“Works on the A1033 Winestead Lane have been suspended as there have been problems with the base material. Discussions are currently ongoing between ERYC and the supplier how the problem can be resolved. ERYC say they are aware of the frustration the delay may cause and they have today undertaken some work in relation to the ramp. ERYC will write to residents notifying them of proposals and dates to complete the work as soon as those details have been finalised”.
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Paul Duplock and PJD electrical , Patrington Haven Leisure Park , James Farmery (Yorkshire Tree Surgery) and Meadley Plant Hire, Thankyou
Click here to be taken to the ERYC Covid-19 page
Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic Station Road and Winestead Road, Patrington, Patrington Road, Winestead, Patrington Road and New Road, Ottringham (Parts). 16/11/2020
Christmas light switch on 2020
Chair introduction
My name is Claire Holmes [some know me as Claire Reed, either is fine] and I welcome this opportunity to introduce myself as the Chair of Patrington Parish Council. I have lived in the village with my husband for over 5 years. We have 2 young children. I hope to get to know more people in the village and to do whatever I can to benefit our community. If you see me in the street or out walking with my lab Layla and you have time please stop me and have a chat.
Claire Holmes
Emergency Assistance for essential items offered by ERYC
Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic – Pump Row, Patrington – 28/09/2020
Temporary Prohibition of Through Traffic – Winestead lane, Winestead – 01/10/2020
EMERGENCY road closures – Northside (part), Patrington, Hollym Road, Patrington and Patrington Road, Hollym (part) 14 – 28/9/2020
This month’s planning considerations
To view and/or comment, follow this linkand enter the 10 digit code (highlighted below) in the search field at the bottom of the page.
- Planning Consultation for 20/02631/PLF Highfields Farm 18 Ings Lane Patrington East Riding Of Yorkshire HU12 0ND
- Planning Consultation for 20/02624/PLF Elm Tree Farm 7 Eastgate Patrington East Riding Of Yorkshire HU12 0RG
Planned carriageway Maintenance works A1033 Northside, Hollym Road & Pump Row
This month’s planning considerations
To view and/or comment, follow the link on the planning page and enter the 10 digit code
- Planning Consultation for 20/02315/PLF Dunedin Country House40 WestgatePatringtonEast Riding Of YorkshireHU12 0NB
Councillor vacancies
Public Notice
Councillor vacancy
Please help us to prevent the spread of COVID-19
by following 3 Steps To Safety
Toilets to re-open Monday 6th July
The toilets have recently been fogged with disinfectant creating a cleaner and safer environment from the off.
Opening times will be 10am-4pm every day
One person at a time allowed in
Signage will be up
East Riding of Yorkshire Councils public rights of way leaflet
This month’s planning considerations
To view and/or comment, follow the link on the planning page and enter the 10 digit code
- Planning Consultation for Hildyard Arms, Market Place, Patrington, HU12 0RA – 20/01531/PLF
- Planning Consultation for Land North Of Welwickthorpe, Patrington Road, Welwick, HU12 0RU – 20/00252/PLF
- Planning Consultation for Dunedin Country House, 40 Westgate, Patrington, HU12 0NB – 20/01547/TCA
Dog fouling – a problem that never goes away
Dog Fouling in Patrington<—Click the link to read
Coronavirus Community Support – Patrington
Working with Beecan and HEY the parish council have been asked to put together a list of anyone who is able and willing to help around the parish.
This is to help with things like:
- Collecting and delivering prescriptions
- Collecting and delivering Shopping
- Telephone conversations with lonely and vulnerable people
To enable this to be seen by as many people as possible we have requested this post be added to Facebook via the Coronavirus Community Support – Patrington group
Links: Facebook – Patrington page or Coronavirus Community Support – Patrington
If you are able to offer any help, however small please see the post on there and private message the group.
You can also register at www.coronavirus.beecan.org to assist further if able. This is all in conjunction with the ERYC Hub.
Coronavirus Community Support – Patrington
A new group has been setup on Facebook attached to the Patrington page, pulling together all offers of help during these unprecidented times.
Search Facebook for: Coronavirus Community Support – Patrington
Whilst Patrington Parish Council agree with and fully support this group, it is an independent group for which we have no input.
Northside resurfacing 16th March to 30th April 2020
Patrington Parish Council grasscutting tender 2020-2021
Christmas lights 2019
PJD Electrical continue with Christmas Lights installation with great help from Dave & Robin of Meadley Plant Hire. The tree goes up in the new location thanks to James at Yorkshire Tree Surgery for collecting and helping to install and thanks to Dave Stott for work on constructing the new base fabricated by Redhall Engineering. All looking good for next Sunday’s light switch on.
This years Christmas lights starting to go up!
Thanks to Mike Meadley from Meadley Plant Hire and Paul and PJD Electrical.
Humber Lane resurfacing 25th November – 6th December 2019
Patrington Parish flag 2019
Many thanks to Dan Gent.
St Patricks Church restoration works continue
The latest phase of maintenance improvements have been completed on the south boundary of the churchyard and are looking very good. The Council is organising and paying for this work because it has had a statutory responsibility to maintain St Patricks churchyard since it was closed to new interments.
Ted Hughes & Patrington
Councillor vacancies
Parish Council of Patrington councillor vacancy
More flag news
Council Chairman Phil Wilson presenting a flag to Guys Sparkes, owner of Patrington Haven Leisure Park. Flags are now flying at PHLP and in the village.
Flying the flag
WHEN Patrington Parish Council decided it needed a flag to be flown at various locations in the parish, pupils at Patrington Academy were invited to submit designs for the new flag.
Dozens of entries were received and councillors selected elements from some of them for the final design.
However one entry, from six-year-old Annabelle Harris, really appealed to them for its idea of combining the names of Patrington, Patrington Haven and Winestead in the shape of a goal post.
Last Friday Council Chairman Phil Wilson visited the school to present one of the flags to be flown at the school, along with a certificate of thanks and some vouchers to a very surprised Annabelle at the school assembly.
A number of flags have been purchased and these will be flown at the village cenotaph and also at Patrington Haven Leisure Park. A site is being sought in Winestead.
Mr Wilson praised the pupils for the great submissions and said it was good to involve them in their future part in parish life.
Words and photo by Terry Bearpark
FLYING PROUDLY: Parish Chairman Phil Wilson and winner Annabelle Harris, with her cousin 11-year-old Libby Wykes helping to hold the new flag
Latest litter pick by Patrington Cubs & Beavers – Monday 3rd June 2019
Many thanks again to all concerned and to Terry Bearpark for the photo
Patrington CE Primary Academy is 50
Fabulous thank you received from Patrington Playgroup
Next litter pick
Patrington Cubs and Beavers, with the help of Councillors, have arranged their next litter pick, it is to take place on Monday 3rd June 2019, 6pm and cover Patrington Haven road.
Notice of Annual Parish meeting
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 2019
How we are working with East Riding of Yorkshire Council with regards to dog fouling.
Our parish/town council has been invited to enter into a dog control partnership with East Riding of Yorkshire Council. We know that dog fouling is of concern to residents and so we have decided to join the partnership.
The aim of the partnership with East Riding of Yorkshire Council is to build close links between their dog wardens and ourselves, to provide a better service in responding to fouling and to deter it from happening in the first place.
The training will provide Patrington Parish Councillors with the knowledge and appreciation of how to provide the evidence needed to prove an offence under the dog control orders. As residents of Patrington Parish, Councillors will now be keeping an eye out for fouling problems and talking to dog walkers in our parish/town. We will be carrying out joint patrols with the council’s dog wardens over the next few months to learn first-hand how they deal with the problem.
The great majority of dog walkers do pick up after their dog and get really annoyed with the few who don’t as they don’t want to be “tarred with the same brush.” There is no excuse for not picking up.
If you have any information on those responsible for allowing dogs to foul without picking up you can contact us on (01964 630554) or (clerk@patringtonpc.co.uk).
Blindness in children from dog fouling caused by Toxocara canis
Whilst the problem should not be exaggerated, it is necessary for dog owners and the public to know what they need to do to minimise the risk.
Toxocara canis is a parasite that lives inside dogs’ bodies. It is a round, white worm (looks like spaghetti) and it infects, most frequently, pregnant nursing bitches and young puppies.
Once ingested they can travel around the body, usually causing little problem. Very rarely though, they can settle in the soft tissue of the retina of the eye, where damage or even blindness can be caused, approximately 50 cases a year are recorded.
Preventative measures include:
- Worm your dog properly both as a puppy and as an adult.
- Clean up after your dog has fouled.
- Prevent dogs from licking your hands and face.
- Ensure hands are washed after playing on grassed areas where dogs are allowed and where dogs or puppies have been handled.
If you have any information on owners not cleaning up after their dogs please contact the dog warden.
Tel: (01482) 396301
Using litter bins for dog waste
Some residents have asked us if they can put dog faeces in litter bins.
We can confirm that all East Riding of Yorkshire Council litter bins may be used for disposing of bagged up dog waste collected whilst walking your dog. If anyone leaves bags of dog waste on trees, bushes, the base of a lamp post etc. they are committing a littering offence that may also be punished by way of a £75 fixed penalty being issued.
If you would like to report an offender, please ring the dog warden.
Tel: (01482) 396301
or contact the streetscene team to report a littering offence or to report a full litter bin.
Tel: (01482) 393939
Reports can also be made through the council’s website at www.eastriding.gov.uk.
Risk to livestock from dog faeces
Local Farmers have asked the Parish Council if anything can be done to reduce the amount of dog faeces deposited on their land.
This is because there is growing evidence of the links between two specific diseases in livestock and the presence on grazing land of faeces from dogs.
They are
- ‘neosporosis’ which can cause abortions in cattle, and
- ‘sarcocystosis’ which can cause neurological disease and death in sheep.
We are therefore asking members of the public to be extra vigilant when exercising their dogs on grazing pastures and always clean up after their dogs.
Both diseases can also be picked up by dogs from infected animal matter. To minimise the risk of picking up the parasites, dogs, including farm dogs, should not be allowed to eat material from dead animals, or leftover birth materials such as placentas.
Often the parasites cause no symptoms in dogs, but sometimes the disease of neosporosis can seriously affect your dog’s health and possibly result its death.
For public and animal health reasons and for the benefit of other people enjoying the outdoors, dog walkers should always clean up after their dogs. Anyone can also contact the East Riding of Yorkshire Council dog wardens to pass on information about irresponsible dog owners.
Tel: (01482) 396301
Click here for Dog Fouling poster
Latest update re Patrington Post Office closure – 26.04.2019
Click to enlarge
Result of uncontested election
Click to enlarge
Details of your Parish council nominees
Click to enlarge
Details of the South East Holderness Ward nominees
Click to enlarge
News about your local GP Practices – Click here
Notice of election
Notice of Election – Local Wards
Notice of Election – All Parishes
Cubs, Beavers, leaders and Councillors at the litter pick yesterday. Well done everyone, great effort.
Letter received from The Post Office
Patrington Academy need school governors!
Kids Poster – Dog Fouling (4)OUTSTRAYS TO SKEFFLING MANAGED REALIGNMENT Newsletter, January 2019
Do you want a market?
AFTER receiving suggestions that a market could be an advantage to the village Patrington Parish Council is inviting residents to have their say by completing a short survey on its viability.
The survey form is available here or by contacting the parish clerk on 01964 630554 who will provide a paper version of the survey.
Completed surveys should be returned to the Clerk no later than February 9 to Patrington Parish Council, 17 Westgate, Patrington, HU12 0NA or email to clerk@patringtonpc.co.uk.
The information received will help the council to consider if a village market is feasible.
Concerns raised over closure of Post Office and ATM.
Want to pay less for your gas and electricity?
www.eastriding.gov.uk/yorswitch or call 01482 393939
Christmas 2018
Merry Christmas to all the children at Patrington Primary Academy from Patrington Parish Council. 222 crackers delivered for the children’s Christmas lunch.
Photos: Terry Bearpark
Freedom of the Parish
A former Patrington parish Councillor has been recognised for his long service by receiving the coveted Freedom of the Parish.
The unique accolade was presented to Peter Stevenson by Patrington Parish Council to mark his 33 years of loyal service to the council.
Photo: Terry Bearpark
For full details please see 11th October 2018 Holderness Gazette.
25th September 2018
Around forty parishioners attended the NHS presentation this evening to hear about the ‘Urgent Treatment services’ and the ‘8 to 8 centres’.
See the presentation here
If you would like further information please go to: www.eastridingofyorkshireccg.nhs.uk
More information will appear here on the Patrington Parish council website in the near future.
14th September 2017
August minutes added
Patrington Parish Council flower display , well done to everyone at St Patrick’s Church for a wonderful weekend and to all those who took part and produced wonderful displays for the Flower Festival.
Patrington Parish Council are holding a Parish meeting on Tuesday 25th September to allow the NHS East Riding Clinical Commissioning Group to give a presentation about the 8 to 8 Centre in Withernsea.
More information here
Newspaper advert here
Three new defibrillators are now fitted and fully functional around the parish. Thanks to PJD for installing and to all who donated/fund raised. Access is via 999 call. Yorkshire Ambulance Service will give access code over the phone.
Locations are:
Side of toilets
Burns Head pub
Patrington School front porch
A festival of flowers @ St. Patrick’s Church
27th August 2018
Freedom of the Parish policy added
July minutes added
EYMS bus timetable changes from 2nd September 2018
New picnic benches fitted to the children’s play area – see playing fields page
Parish Council of Patrington
1. There are four vacancies on the above council.
2. The East Riding of Yorkshire Council has allowed the Parish Council to fill the vacancy by co-option.
3. If you wish to apply for this vacancy please send a letter explaining why you would like to become a Councillor to the Clerk at the address below by Friday 27th July 2018.
Address: Patrington Parish Council, 17 Westgate, Patrington, HU12 ONA
Tel: 01964 630554
Email: clerk@patringtonpc.co.uk
Dated 12th July 2018
Signed:D Chapman
Diane Chapman
Printable document here
Road closure 16th July 2018
Winestead Lane, Winestead
Details here
Map here